Contact Mike or Nicole and give them words of encouragement.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Front Porch is Complete!

OK not really, but I finished doing the plans in CAD. Once the vanity for the bathroom is done, I plan to start building the columns / railings in the basement.

So - while we've made some progress on the vanity for the bathroom (pictures soon), and intend to do a few more before-and-after posts (just need to pick up our dirty socks and take some "afters"!), computer-modeled progress is the only progress that we have to show right now.

It did take quite a bit of measuring in the cold to get all of the dimensions that I needed to model the facade of the house - At least I was able to reference the pitch of the roof / upstairs window placement from the CAD model I had previously done of our bedroom; no standing on the roof required.

As a reminder of what the porch looks like now, you can look here, or here.